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get to know me

Hey, I'm Aria! Welcome to my blog.

As the title suggests, this post is all about getting to know me. Besides what you might have read on the about page here on the site, there's much more to me, so I thought I'd create a blog post just for that.

I am a Reformed/Calvinist non-denominational Christian and hold to the five solas of the Reformation and the doctrines of grace (TULIP). Besides first and foremost being a Christian, I'm a Revolutionary War geek and love discussing theology.

I may be a more than tinyyy bit obsessed with fonts, so my collection grows everyday. Not that I use them all that often (as much as I love graphic designing), but you know how it is. Speaking of graphic design, that's another thing I love, along with handlettering (see the common theme here?). Basically, I love anything creative.

Learning about creation, dinosaurs, and the Flood has to be another one of my mini-obsessions. And then, of course, there's horses. I'm an amateur natural horse trainer, and I'm loving it so much. I love everything about horses, from mucking stalls to riding (bareback, of course).

Things I like: mornings (I'm a night owl, but I really do appreciate mornings), bareback riding, sunrises and sunsets, fairy lights, cowgirl boots, summer camp, milkshakes, thunderstorms, fall, windy days, alpacas, and plants. I could go on, but I'll stop here.

Things I don't like...hmm. Well, one of my biggest pet peeves is people taking the truth and twisting it, specifically about the Bible or American history (I may be a Revolutionary War geek, but I love learning about all American history, really). I also strongly dislike flying bugs (yes, even butterflies) and camping in a tent. What's ironic is that I absolutely love camping in cabins, though.

And I think that's it for this post! If you have any questions about me, I'd be happy to answer. Just drop a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

As always, if you have topic suggestions for this blog, feel free to leave those in the comments as well.

Thank you for reading, God bless!

Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I'm Aria, a Jesus-praising, horse-loving, freedom-seeking, font-obsessed, teenage girl, and this is my blog. 

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